Board Policies & Procedures
A.1.1 Legal Name and College Organizational Units (Policy) (PDF)
A.1.2 Geographic Boundaries and Service Area (Policy) (PDF)
A.1.3 College District Vision, Mission, Values and Goals (Policy) (PDF)
A.1.3.a College Mission Statement: Northeast Lakeview College (PDF)
A.1.3.b College Mission Statement: Northwest Vista College (PDF)
A.1.3.c College Mission Statement: Palo Alto College (PDF)
A.1.3.d College Mission Statement: San Antonio College (PDF)
A.1.3.e College Mission Statement: St. Philip's College (PDF)
B.1.1 Board Legal Status (Policy) (PDF)
B.2.1 Organizational Plan (Policy) (PDF)
B.3.1 Board Elections, Vacancies, and Removal From Office (Policy) (PDF)
B.3.2 Board Member Training (Policy) (PDF)
B.3.3 Board of Trustees Ethics (Policy) (PDF)
B.3.4 Board Member Reimbursement and Expenses (Policy) (PDF)
B.3.5 Board Members: Conventions, Conferences, Workshops and Events (Policy) (PDF)
B.4.1 Board Officers (Policy) (PDF)
B.5.1 Board Responsibilities (Policy) (PDF)
B.5.2 Board Member Authority (Policy) (PDF)
B.5.3 Board Policies (Policy) (PDF)
B.5.3.1 District Policy Procedure Advisory Council (Procedure) (PDF)
B.5.4 Contractual Authority (Policy) (PDF)
B.5.5 Sponsorship or Endorsement of Public Events (Policy) (PDF)
B.6.1 Board Committees (Policy) (PDF)
B.7.1 Tax Officials (Policy) (PDF)
B.7.2 Legal Representation (Policy) (PDF)
B.8.1 Board Meetings (Policy) (PDF)
B.8.1.1 Administrative Remedies Before Resort to Citizens to Be Heard (PDF)
B.9.1 Educational Philosophy - The Alamo Way: Always Inspire, Always Improve (Policy) (PDF)
B.10.1 Environmental Sustainability (Policy) (PDF)
B.10.1.1 Environmental Sustainability (Procedure) (PDF)
B.10.2 Summer Four-Day Work Week (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.1 Financial Ethics and Accountability (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.1.1 Financial Ethics and Accountability (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.2 Audit Services (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.2.1 Internal Audit Protocol (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.3 Appropriations and Revenue Sources (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.3.1 Donations and Grants from Private Sources (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.3.2 Sale of Surplus College District Real Estate (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.3.3 Facilities Use (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.3.4 Depository of Funds (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.3.5 Donations and Grants from Public Sources (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.3.Ex.A Resolution to Continue to Tax Freeport Goods (Exhibit) (PDF)
C.1.3.Ex.B Resolution to Tax Tangible Personal Property in Transit (Exhibit) (PDF)
C.1.3.3.Ex.A Facilities Rental Fee Exception (Exhibit) (PDF)
C.1.3.3.A(1) Schedule of Rental Rates for Facilities (PDF)
C.1.4 Budget (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.4.1 Annual Operating Budget (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.5 Purchasing and Acquisitions (Policy) ( PDF)
C.1.5.1 Purchasing Authority (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.5.2 Small, Minority Women and Veteran Owned Business Enterprise Program (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.5.3 Procurement Card Purchases (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.6 Enterprise Risk Management (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.6.1 Liability Insurance: Employees (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.6.2 Workers' Compensation (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.6.3 Safety Program: Responsibilities (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.6.4 Transportation Management (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.7 Investments (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.7.F Texas Public Funds Investment Act Certification by Dealer (Form) (PDF)
C.1.8 Intellectual Property (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.8.1 Intellectual Property (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.9 Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.9.1 Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (Procedure) (PDF)
C.1.10 Tax Abatements and Tax Increment Financing (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.10.F Application for Tax Abatement (Form) (PDF)
C.1.11 Accounting for Capital Assets (Policy) (PDF)
C.1.11.1 Accounting for Capital Assets (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1 Environmental Health and Safety (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.1.1 Evacuation Plans (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1.2 Open Flames and Portable Space Heaters (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1.3 Animals on College District Property (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1.4 Temporary Food Establishments (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1.6 Heat Stress (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1.7 First Aid and Over-the-Counter-Medicine (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.1.8 Holiday Decorations (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.2 Police and Security (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.2.1 Police Department Standard Operating Procedures (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.2.2 Traffic and Parking Controls (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.3 Facilities and Grounds Management (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.3.1 Preventive Maintenance (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.3.2 Environmental Protection (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.3.3 Naming of College District Property (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.3.3.F Recommendation for the Naming of Alamo Colleges Property (Form) (PDF)
C.2.3.4 Construction Management (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.4 Records Management (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.4.1 Records Management (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.5 Auxiliary Enterprises (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.6 Mail Services and College District Addresses (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.7 Equipment/Property Management (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.7.1 Use of Alamo Colleges District Equipment, Supplies and Personnel (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.7.2 Communication Device Assignments and Allowances (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.7.3 Disposal of Alamo Colleges District Property (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.7.3.Ex Surplus Disposal Flowchart (Exhibit) (PDF)
C.2.7.4 Property Management: Inventory Control (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.8 Purchase or Acquisition of Art for New Construction Projects (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.9 Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.9.1 Employee Travel Expense Reimbursement (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.10 Official Functions (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.10.1 Official Functions (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.11 Legal Services (Policy) (PDF)
C.2.11.1 Review and Approval of Agreements (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.11.1.Ex Contract Cover Memo (Exhibit) (PDF)
C.2.11.2 Contract Signing Authority (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.11.3 Digital Signatures (Procedure) (PDF)
C.2.12 Emergency Management (Policy) (PDF)
Emergency Operations Plan (PDF)
C.2.13 Smoking Education Program (Policy) (PDF)
C.3.1 Debt Management (Policy) (PDF)
C.3.1.1 Debt Management: Post Issuance Compliance (Procedure) (PDF)
C.3.1.2 Debt Management Post Pricing Calls with Syndicate Members (Procedure) (PDF)
C.4.1 Communications on Behalf of the College District and Colleges (Policy) (PDF)
C.4.1.1 Communications on Behalf of District Support Operations (Procedure) (PDF)
D.1.1 Compliance with Policies and Procedures (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.2 Hiring Practices (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.2.1 Hiring Practices (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.3 Qualifications for Hire (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.3.1 Criminal History Background Checks and Drug Testing (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.3.2 Faculty and Department Chair Positions (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.3.3 Faculty Members' Use of English (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.3.4 Pre-Employment Screening for Controlled Substances (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.4 Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.4.1 Nepotism (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.4.2 Conflicts of Interest (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.4.2.F Conflicts of Interest Affidavits (Form) (PDF)
D.2.4.3 Conflicts of Interest: Assignments and Outside Activities (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.4.4 Conflicts of Interest: Group Travel (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.5 Hiring Authority, Status, Assignments and Duties (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.5.1 Hiring Authority, Status, Assignments and Duties (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.5.2 Staffing Review (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.5.3 Position Elimination, Realignment and Reassignment (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.5.4 Full-Time Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Relocation Between Colleges (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.5.6. Peak Workload Scheduling (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.5.7. Flexible Work Schedules (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.6 Telecommuting (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.6.1 Telecommuting (Procedure) (PDF)
D.2.6.1-A Telecommuting Agreement (PDF)
D.2.7 Employee Licensure, Registration and Certification Requirements (Policy) (PDF)
D.2.7.1 Employee Licensure, Registration and Certification Requirements (Procedure) (PDF)
D.3.2 Protection from Retaliation (Policy) (PDF)
D.3.2.1 College District Protection from Retaliation (Procedure) (PDF)
D.3.2.2 Statutory Whistleblower Protection (Procedure) (PDF)
D.3.3 Employee Complaints (Policy) (PDF)
D.3.3.1 Employee Complaints (Procedure) (PDF)
D.3.3.1-A Employee Complaint Form (PDF)
D.3.4 Freedom of Association (Policy) (PDF)
D.3.5 Academic Freedom and Responsibilities (Policy) (PDF)
D.3.5.1 Academic Freedom and Responsibilities (Procedure) (PDF)
D.4.3 Personal Appearance and Uniforms (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.3.1 Personal Appearance and Uniforms (Procedure) (PDF)
D.4.4 Attendance and Punctuality (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.6 Prevention and Reporting of Workplace Violence and Abuse of Minors (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.6.1 Workplace Violence (Procedure) (PDF)
D.4.7 Drugs and Alcohol-Free Workplace and Schools (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.7.1 Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace (Procedure) (PDF)
D.4.7.1.Ex Notice of Drug-Free Workplace Requirements (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.4.8 Communicable Diseases (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.8.1 Communicable Diseases (Procedure) (PDF)
D.4.9 Conduct Constituting Moral Turpitude (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.10 Faculty Code of Professional Ethics (Policy) (PDF)
D.4.10.1 Faculty Code of Professional Ethics (Procedure) (PDF)
D.4.11 Notification of Misdemeanor and Felony Offenses (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.1 Employee Compensation and Exempt/Non-Exempt Status (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.1.1 Employee Compensation and Exempt/Non-Exempt Status (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.1.1.Ex.A-Exhibit Employee Compensation and Exempt/Non-Exempt Status (PDF)
D.5.1.1.Ex.B-Exhibit Employee Compensation and Exempt/Non-Exempt Status (PDF)
D.5.1.2 Faculty Teaching Loads (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.1.3 Classification and Compensation Administration Regulations (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.1.4 Full-Time Faculty Pay Schedule (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.2 Benefits (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.2.1 Benefits (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.2.2 Employee Assistance Program (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.2.3 Severance Benefits (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.3 Holidays, Leaves, and Absences (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.3.1 Holidays, Leaves, and Absences (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.4 Family and Medical Leave (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.4.1 Family and Medical Leave (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.5 Inclement Weather and Other Emergency Closings (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.5.1 Inclement Weather and Other Emergency Closings (Procedure) (PDF)
D.5.6 Employee Suggestion Plan Incentive Program (Policy) (PDF)
D.5.6.1 Alamo Ideas Suggestion Program (Procedure) (PDF)
D.6.1 Professional Development (Policy) (PDF)
D.6.1.1 Professional Development (Procedure) (PDF)
D.6.1.2 Required Training (Procedure) (PDF)
D.6.1.3 Tuition Reimbursement for Employees and Child Dependents (Procedure) (PDF)
D.7.1 Employee Evaluations (Policy) (PDF)
D.7.1.1 Employee Evaluations (Procedure) (PDF)
D.7.1.2 Faculty Performance Evaluations (Procedure) (PDF)
D.7.1.2.Ex.A Classroom Observation (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.7.1.2.Ex.B Alamo Colleges District Student Survey Form (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.7.1.2.Ex.C Faculty Evaluation by Peer Review Committee (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.7.1.2.Ex.D Faculty Self-Evaluation (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.7.1.2.Ex.E Faculty Evaluation by Chair/Supervisor (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.7.1.2.Ex.F Librarians/Counselors Faculty Evaluation by Chair/Supervisor (Exhibit) (PDF)
D.8.2 Promotion and Demotion (Policy) (PDF)
D.8.2.1 Promotion Process (Procedure) (PDF)
D.8.2.2 Demotion (Procedure) (PDF)
D.9.1 Progressive Discipline (Policy) (PDF)
D.9.1.2 Progressive Discipline (Procedure) (PDF)
D.9.1.3 Procedures for Termination of Non-Benefited Employees (Procedure) (PDF)
D.10.2 Separation from Employment (Policy) (PDF)
D.10.2.1 Termination: Non-Contract Employees (Procedure) (PDF)
D.10.2.2 Termination During Contract Term: Non-Tenured Employees (Procedure) (PDF)
D.10.2.3 Nonrenewal: Non-Tenured Employees (Procedure) (PDF)
D.10.2.4 Resignation from Alamo Colleges Employment (Procedure) (PDF)
D.10.2.5 Termination: Tenured Faculty (Procedure) (PDF)
D.10.3 Retirement (Policy) (PDF)
D.10.4 Recognition and Awards (Policy) (PDF)
D.11.1 Emergency Leave Bank (Policy) (PDF)
D.11.1.1 Emergency Leave Bank (Procedure) (PDF)
D.12.1 Personnel Action Planning and Approval (Policy) (PDF)
D.12.1.1 Personnel Action Planning and Approval (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.2 Academic Calendar (Policy) (PDF)
E.1.3 Core Curriculum and Degrees (Policy) (PDF)
E.1.3.1 Honorary Associates Degree (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.3.1.F Nomination for Honorary Associates Degree (Form) (PDF)
E.1.4 Student Course Loads and Schedules (Policy) (PDF)
E.1.5 Special Programs (Policy)(PDF)
E.1.6 Program and Course Offerings (Policy)(PDF)
E.1.7 Instructional Resources: Copyrighted Materials (Policy) (PDF)
E.1.8 International Programs (Policy) (PDF)
E.1.8.1 International Programs (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.8.2 International Programs: Crisis Management (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.8.3 International Programs: Measurement and Evaluation
(Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.8.4 International Programs: Communications (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.8.5 International Programs: General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) Compliance (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.9 Online Learning (Policy) (PDF)
E.1.9.1 Online Learning (Procedure) (PDF)
E.1.9.2 Online Learning (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.1 Student Enrollment Requirements (Policy) (PDF)
F.2.1.1 State Residency (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.1.2 Early Admission of High School Students (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.1.3 F-1 Visa Student Requirements (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.1.4 Campus ID Card (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.2 Student Tuition (Policy) (PDF)
F.2.3 Student Fees (Policy) (PDF)
F.2.3.1 Student Services Fee Advisory Committee (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.3.2 International Education Fee Scholarship (Procedure) (PDF)
F.2.4 Student Financial Aid (Policy) (PDF)
F.3.1 Student Health (Policy) (PDF)
F.3.1.1 Communicable Diseases (Procedure) (PDF)
F.3.1.2 Communicable Diseases as a Disability (Procedure) (PDF)
F.3.1.3 Student Health - Threat to Health and Safety (Procedure) (PDF)
F.4.1 Student Education Records (Policy) (PDF)
F.4.1.1 Access to Student Education Records (Procedure) (PDF)
F.4.1.2 Amendments to Student Records (Procedure) (PDF)
F.4.2 Student Code of Conduct - Non-Academic Misconduct, Academic Integrity (Policy) (PDF)
F.4.2.1 Non-Academic Misconduct Disciplinary and Appeal Process (Procedure) (PDF)
F.4.2.2 Academic Integrity Disciplinary and Appeal Process (Procedure) (PDF)
F.4.5 Alcohol and Drug Use (Policy) (PDF)
F.4.5.Ex Notice and Information on Illegal Drugs and Steroids (Exhibit) (PDF)
F.4.6 Academic Grievances (Policy) (PDF)
F.4.7 Non-Academic Grievances (Policy) (PDF)
F.4.7.1 Non-Academic Grievances (Procedure) (PDF)
F.5.1 Registered Student Organizations (Policy) (PDF)
F.5.2 Student Contests and Competitions (Policy) (PDF)
F.5.2.1 Student Intramural and Club Sports (Procedure) (PDF)
F.5.3 Student Fund Raising (Policy) (PDF)
F.5.4 Student Publications and Signs (Policy) (PDF)
F.6.1 Student Success (Policy) (PDF)
F.6.1.1 Student Success: The Student Experience - MyMap (Monitoring Academic Progress)(Procedure) (PDF)
F.6.1.2 Student Success: The Student Experience - Connection Through Entry (Procedure) (PDF)
F.6.1.3 Student Success: The Student Experience - Progress to and Through Completion (Procedure) (PDF)
F.6.1.6 Student Success: ALAMOCash Card and Student Refunds (Procedure) (PDF)
F.6.2 Student Responsibility for Success (Policy) (PDF)
F.6.3 Mandatory New Student Orientation (Policy) (PDF)
F.6.4 Automatic Awarding of Credentials (Policy) (PDF)
F.6.5 Student Success: Empowering Diverse Learner Communities (Policy) (PDF)
F.7.1 Student Email Account The Official Electronic Mode of Communication (Policy) (PDF)
F.7.2 Student Automated Messaging (Policy) (PDF)
F.9.1 Protected Expression on Campus-Students' Rights and Responsibilities (Policy) (PDF)
F.9.1.1 Protected Expression on Campus- Students" Rights and Responsibilities (Procedure) (PDF)
F.9.1.1.A Space Reservation for Conducting Expressive Activity on Campus (Appendix) (PDF)
F.9.1.1.B Complaint for Interference with Expressive Activity on Campus (Appendix)<(PDF)
F.9.1.1.C Complaint for Interference with Expressive Activity on Campus (Appendix) (PDF)
G.1.1 Public Information (Policy) (PDF)
G.1.1.1 Requests for Information (Procedure) (PDF)
G.1.1.2 Guidelines for Public Information Request Charges (Procedure) (PDF)
G.1.2 Public Complaints and Hearings (Policy) (PDF)
G.1.2.1 Public Complaints and Hearings (Procedure) (PDF)
G.1.3 Advertising and Fund Raising (Policy) (PDF)
G.1.4 Use of and Access to College District Facilities (Policy) (PDF)
G.1.4.1 Use of and Access to College District Facilities (Procedure) (PDF)
G.1.4.2 Conduct on College District Property (Procedure) (PDF)
G.1.4.4 Use of Alcohol at District Facilities (Procedure) (PDF)
G.1.4.5 Rules Limiting Licensed Concealed Carry of Handgun (Procedure) (PDF)
G.2.1 Cooperative Educational Relationships (Policy) (PDF)
G.2.2 Access to Programs, Services and Activities (Policy) (PDF)
H.1.1 Civil Rights: Equal Education and Employment Opportunities (Policy) (PDF)
H.1.1 Attachment-A Title IX/VII/ADA/504 Coordinator Organization (PDF)
H.1.2 Civil Rights Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation (Policy) (PDF)
H.1.2 (Attachment A.) Title IX/VII/IV/ADA/504 Coordinator Contact List
H.1.2.1 Civil Rights Complaints and Resolution Procedure (Procedure) (PDF)
H.1.2.1-A Civil Rights Complaint Procedure Process A (Diagram) (PDF)
H.1.2.1-B Civil Rights Complaint Procedure Process B (Diagram) (PDF)
H.1.2.2 Civil Rights Complaint Appeal Procedure (Procedure) (PDF)
H.1.2.2-A Civil Rights Appeal Process A (Diagram) (PDF)
H.1.2.2-B Civil Rights Appeal Process B (Diagram) (PDF)
H.1.2.3 Bully-Free Workplace and Campuses (Procedure) (PDF)
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This manual includes POLICIES adopted by the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees, PROCEDURES approved by the Chancellor, and EXHIBITS and FORMS (illustrative charts, forms, definitions, and other supplemental material).
The policies, procedures and other documents in this manual apply to all Alamo Colleges employees and students, including district support services and all other offices and units of the Alamo Colleges. The policies, procedures, and other documents in this manual supersede all previous versions and all other Alamo Colleges policies, procedures, practices, and guidelines. To the extent that any Alamo Colleges policies, procedures, practices, guidelines, handbooks, or other statements of rules conflict with the documents in this manual, the documents in this manual shall control. To the extent that any policy, procedure or other document in this manual is inconsistent with Texas or federal law, the Texas or federal law shall control.
Nothing contained in this manual constitutes an employment contract or an offer to contract with any employee, and nothing contained in this manual changes the employment-at-will status of any employee, or creates any additional rights, remedies at law, or expectations of continued employment.
With the exception of the master policy manual maintained in the District Ethics and Compliance Office, printed copies of this manual are unofficial, and may not contain all of the changes approved by the Board of Trustees.
New and revised policies are generally added to this online manual within five business days after Board adoption. Questions regarding policies may be directed to the District Ethics and Compliance Office at 210-485-0057.
Note: Board policies do not generally repeat legal or regulatory provisions. The Legal Reference Manual maintained by the Texas Association of School Boards Community College Policy Reference Manual contains "legal policies" that can be useful as a general guide to laws that may be applicable to college districts. However, the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees does not adopt these policies, and they always remain subject to interpretation by the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees and legal counsel, including interpretation about whether they apply to the Alamo Colleges. Questions about applicable laws may be directed to the Alamo Colleges Office of Legal Services.